About Joe Banister

Guest Instructor at the
Citizens' Police Academy
Former IRS Special Agent

Joe Banister is the first and still only IRS Criminal Investigation Division (IRSCID) Special Agent ever to investigate allegations of deceitful and illegal conduct in the agency’s administration and enforcement of the federal income tax system and report the results of his investigation first to IRS management and executives and then to the American people.

Despite having served as the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) Coordinator, Asset Forfeiture Coordinator and Firearms and Defensive Tactics Coordinator for the IRS Central California District and despite having earned a special act award, certificate of recognition award, performance award, sustained superior performance award and top athlete award above and beyond his routine investigative duties, Banister’s evidence and concerns were summarily rebuffed and he was “encouraged” to resign from the agency.

He resigned on February 25th, 1999, in effect, having to resign from his position in order to abide by his oath to support and defend the United States Constitution.

Investigating the Federal Income Tax

By donating you can help support the effort to share the results of Joe's exhaustive investigation into the federal income tax system with more and more Americans. For those who donate at least $30.00, we will send you a free copy of a brand new book Joe wrote called Investigating The Federal Income Tax: A Report To The American People. This book is 239 pages and has approximately 50 exhibits that will truly astound you!

Won't you help the effort to bring critical facts and evidence to the eyes and ears of more Americans with your contribution?​

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