Illegal Aliens Stealing Americans' Identities By The Millions

Laura Ingraham, host of The Ingraham Angle on Fox News, invited Joe on her show for a segment on yet another IRS scandal, this one exposed by investigative journalist Terence P. Jeffrey of in his March 16th, 2018 article entitled "IRS Documented 1.3M Identity Thefts by Illegal Aliens; Can’t Say It Referred Any for Prosecution." Jeffrey's article explains how more than 1.3 million cases from 2011 through 2016 have been documented whereby Americans have had their identities stolen - stolen largely by illegal aliens who have stolen and used their social security numbers. The article also pointed out the existence of 1.2 million additional cases of "refund fraud" by illegals just during 2017 processing season alone ZERO of these cases were referred for prosecution. To learn more about how dangerous and pervasive identity theft is in connection with IRS and income tax matters, as well as identity theft in general, check out these reports:

TIGTA Report: Most Employment Identity Theft Victims Have Not Been Notified...

IRS ITIN Program Not Implemented In Accordance With Internal Revenue Code Regulations

Combating Identity Theft Report Authored By U.S. Dept of Justice and Federal Trade Commission.

See Joe describe the IRS as the "original deep state operation" and how much he would love for President Trump to allow him to wade into the deepest, muckiest part of the swamp where the IRS resides in order to help clean it up. Watch Joe's provocative interview on Laura's Ingraham Angle show here and read a companion article about Laura's IRS corruption segment and interview here.

Many Americans ask themselves why the IRS is so corrupt and has so much power but can not seem to find the answer. The principle reason the IRS is so corrupt and has so much power is that the federal government, with the cooperation of a complicit controlled corporate media and tax professional lobby, has deceived the American people into believing federal law requires them to pay a federal income tax on the money they earn while living and working in the USA when in fact no such law exists. Many Americans have heard the phrase "taxation without representation" but in this case what we have is "taxation without legislation." Yes, there are thousands of pages of federal income tax laws and income tax regulations but over the last 100 years, especially over the last 80 years, the federal government, particularly the IRS, has gone to extraordinary lengths to obscure the limited or even non-existent application of the federal income tax laws to the average American living and working in the United States. You are encouraged to review the "About Joe" section of this website for a brief overview of the manner in which the American people have been deceived and taken advantage of regarding the scope and nature of the federal income tax system.

Joe's purpose has never been to push Americans into a one-on-one battle with the IRS because in the majority of one-on-one battles with this 800 lb. gorilla the gorilla usually wins. Certainly, with sufficient education and preparation, even 800 lbs gorillas can be vanquished. What Joe does advocate is for Americans to educate themselves, their families and their friends about how the American people have been deceived, intimidated and forced to pay an income tax for which no law was ever passed requiring such payment. Imagine how upset Americans get over the nerve of someone cutting them off on the freeway or the nerve of an auto mechanic cheating them on a repair bill. Isn't deceiving, intimidating and forcing trillions of dollars of hard-earned property out of the hands the American people worthy of a major degree of concern, especially when the federal government does not need such taxation in order to fund its operations?